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Legionellosis is the illness caused by exposure to the bacterial pathogen Legionella. 军团菌病一种感染军团菌病原体引起的疾病。
Legionellosis is an infection caused by the genus of Gram negative bacteria Legionella, notably Legionella pneumophila. 什么是'军团病-类型的细菌性肺部感染'?
Legionnaires' disease (LD) (being the more serious) and Pontiac fever are the two most common types of legionellosis. 军团菌病一种感染军团菌病原体引起的疾病。
Legionellosis can occure or break out after people inhale the aerosols contaminated by Legionella. 吸入被军团菌污染的气溶胶可导致军团菌感染和军团菌病的暴发流行。
Surly, this method can be largely available and has a potential value in diagnosis of clinical Legionellosis cases and pursuing the pathogen during Legionnaires" disease outbreaks. 结论所建立嗜肺军团菌的快速初步鉴定方法具有很高的特异性和敏感性,并具有较高的应用价值。