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Lastly, the generator of three nanoseconds pulse modulated by pseudo-random codes is designed and realized based on CPLD of XC95144XL type. 最後設計實現了基於XC95144XL型CPLD芯片的偽隨機碼産生器和脈沖寬度爲納秒級的超寬帶信號發生器。
According to the signal can be divided into sine wave signal, function (wave) signals, pulse signals and random signal generator, and other four major categories. 按信號波形可分爲正弦信號、函數(波形)信號、脈沖信號和隨機信號發生器等四大類。
The random signal generator has achieved output control of highly precise Gaussian distribution, and imitated random characteristic of nuclear pulse in amplitude and time. 該隨機信號發生器可以實現高精度高斯分佈的輸出控制,較好地倣真了核脈沖幅度和時間的隨機特性。