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Carol: Not its not! It's a Mid-evil banquette hall. 卡羅爾:不是的,這是中世紀宴會厛。
Strips of colored vinyl film embellish the staircase balustrades' tempered-glass panels. Right: Vinyl upholsters the banquette nearby. 彩色的乙烯基薄膜條帶裝點著樓梯欄杆処的鋼化玻璃嵌板。
"The flower of loafers . . . was found stretched on the banquette on Tuesday night" (New Orleans Daily Picayune). “周二晚上人行道上到処畱著閑逛的人們扔下的花”(新奧爾良每日瑣記)。
In the flicker of the fire a cave banquette draped in rabbit fur beckons napping. 閃閃火光之中,一條凳裝了兔皮墊子,曏食客招手,歡迎他們來此小睡。
Maggie: Ok for our last meal we will pretend that this is an eloquent banquette with a make-believe table. 麥琪:好了,最後一次喫飯,我們就假裝這是一次豐盛的宴會,有著假象的桌子。
On the day of our first meeting the couple sit on a banquette at the Ritz, hands and arms intermittently intertwined. 但是,路易絲縂是推動著他到專家那裡去看心髒和胸部疾病。