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Brahms' works have a high extensive achievement in areas of the vocal music styles, piano, chamber orchestra, and etc. 勃拉姆斯的作品体裁广泛,在声乐作品、钢琴、室内乐、管弦乐等方面均取得很高成就。
He also finished in 1936 his Concertino in Classical Style for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, his first published work (Universal Edition). 他还在1936年完成了他的为钢琴和室内管弦乐队而作的古典风格小协奏曲,他的第一部出版的作品(通用版本)。
“THIS part is always screwed up with a conductor, but we've played it perfectly twice,” concludes Leon Fleisher during a recent Orpheus Chamber Orchestra rehearsal of Beethoven's “Emperor” Concerto. 最近,在参加奥菲斯室内乐团排演贝多芬的“皇帝协奏曲”过程中,里昂•弗莱舍评论道:“这段曲子一直以来是靠指挥家来衔接的,但是我们的表演已经不止一次地证明没有指挥也能演奏地很出色。
Here is his piece "Finding Rothko" which he wrote for the IRIS chamber orchestra in Tennessee.
Here's his famous G minor Symphony, No. 40, played in Kiel, Germany, by the Polish Chamber Orchestra. NPR: Mozart's Job Hunting Dilemma
At Walt Disney Concert Hall, one of the pieces he chose was Gnarly Buttons, for clarinet and chamber orchestra. NPR: John Adams: 'Grand' And 'Gnarly' In Concert
Scott Faulkner, of the Reno Chamber Orchestra, says that his group kept the composer busy, and not just at rehearsal. NPR: 'Chasing Light': Music Made For 50 States